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⚠️ Breaking Changes

As announced in our v1.1.0 release notes, several deprecated features from before we introduced support for Expression Language have been removed in this release.

To discover the new way of providing the configuration for these steps, please refer to the updated documentation examples for each step linked above.

⚠️ New Deprecations

Consistent with the changes noted above, the messageFromSteps field of the git-commit promotion step is newly deprecated in favor of using the message field with expressions instead.

messageFromSteps is scheduled for removal in the v1.5.0 release.

✨ New Features

🔀 Conditional Step Execution

Promotion steps now allow the definition of an if expression that evaluates to a boolean value. When this expression evaluates to false, the step is skipped and the next step in the sequence is executed.

kind: Stage
name: test
namespace: kargo-demo
# ...
- uses: fake-step
if: ${{ outputs.step1.someOutput == 'value' }}

While the current use cases for this within Promotion templates may seem limited, it does allow you to conditionally execute a task step based on provided task variables in PromotionTasks.

In a future release, Kargo will be adding support for improved failure and error handling, which will supercharge this feature based on the outcome of previous steps. Follow this issue for more information and updates.

🎛️ Control of Semantics for Freight Requests

Previously, any requested Freight for a Stage was automatically available to it as soon as one of the listed upstream Stages had successfully verified it. Starting with this release, and thanks to the efforts of @aidan-canva, it is now possible to define an "availability strategy" that requires it to have been verified in all upstream Stages.

kind: Stage
name: uat
namespace: kargo-demo
- origin:
kind: Warehouse
name: my-warehouse
- test
- uat
availabilityStrategy: All

Refer to the updated documentation for more information.

🛡️ Stage Verification Improvements

Expression Language in Arguments

The values specified in args do now support expressions (including functions) to dynamically set values based on the context of the Freight being verified.

For example, the following defines an argument commit with a value set to the commit hash that is being verified using the commitFrom expression function:

kind: Stage
name: test
namespace: kargo-demo
# ...
- name: kargo-demo
- name: commit
value: ${{ commitFrom("").ID }}

Support for ClusterAnalysisTemplates

It is now allowed to reference a ClusterAnalysisTemplate within the verification configuration of a Stage. This enables you as a Kargo operator to define verification checks once and use them across multiple Projects:

kind: Stage
name: dev
namespace: guestbook
# ...
- name: integration-test
kind: ClusterAnalysisTemplate

Additionally, the ClusterAnalysisTemplates can now be managed through the Kargo UI. Thanks to @BenHesketh21 for this contribution!

🪜 New and Updated Promotion Steps

🖥️ UI Improvements

  • Scaling issues in the Stage pipeline view have been addressed.
  • As noted in another section, ClusterAnalysisTemplates can now be managed through the UI.

🛠️ Other Notable Changes

  • You can now opt-in to allow credential lookups for HTTP URLs, refer to controller.allowCredentialsOverHTTP in the chart documentation for more information.
  • "Superstar" (i.e. **) glob patterns are now allowed in the include and exclude paths of a Warehouse's Git subscription, making it easier to include or exclude all files and/or directories in nested paths.
  • The Healthy Condition of a Stage will now be Unknown instead of False when the last Promotion failed.
  • Long Stage names will no longer result in AnalysisRun creation failures. (Thanks again @aidan-canva!)

🙏 New Contributors

Kargo would be nothing without its users. An extra special thank you goes out to community members who made their first contribution to Kargo in this release:

  • @aarontams
  • @nixphix
  • @mimartin12
  • @joelddiaz
  • @abelhoula

Full Changelog: