Basic Installation
Installing Kargo's cluster-side components (e.g. controllers and API server) with default configuration is quick and easy.
Not what you were looking for?
If you're looking for a more customized installation of cluster-side components, refer to Advanced Installation for steps, and Common Configurations for guidance on configuring Kargo to address common operational concerns.
If you're a developer looking for instructions for installing the Kargo CLI, see Installing the CLI.
The default configuration is suitable only for trying Kargo in a local cluster that is not internet-facing.
For detailed instructions for a secure installation, refer to Secure Configuration.
You will need:
Helm: These instructions were tested with v3.13.1.
A Kubernetes cluster with cert-manager pre-installed.
notecert-manager is not an absolute dependency, but is required for installation with the default configuration.
The following dependencies are optional, but highly recommended to be pre-installed in your Kubernetes cluster:
Kargo works best when paired with Argo CD.
Kargo's verification feature makes use of Argo Rollouts
resources internally.Kargo does not require that your application deployments also use Argo Rollouts.
These instructions were tested with:
- Kubernetes: v1.29.3
- cert-manager: v1.16.1
- Argo CD: v2.13.0
- Argo Rollouts: v1.7.2
Installation Steps
Generate a password and a signing key.
There are no default values for these two fields, so you must provide your own.
Recommended commands for generating a complex password and signing key, and for hashing the password as required are:
pass=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -d "=+/" | head -c 32)
echo "Password: $pass"
hashed_pass=$(htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" $pass | tr -d ':\n')
signing_key=$(openssl rand -base64 48 | tr -d "=+/" | head -c 32)The above commands will leave you with values assigned to
. These will be used in the next step. -
Install Kargo with default configuration and your chosen admin account password:
helm install kargo \
oci:// \
--namespace kargo \
--create-namespace \
--set api.adminAccount.passwordHash=$hashed_pass \
--set api.adminAccount.tokenSigningKey=$signing_key \
Kargo installation fails with a 401
Verify that you are using Helm v3.13.1 or greater.
Kargo installation fails with a 403
It is likely that Docker is configured to authenticate to
with an
expired token. The Kargo Helm chart and images are publicly accessible, so this
issue can be resolved simply by logging out:
docker logout