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argocd-update updates one or more Argo CD Application resources in various ways. Among other scenarios, this step is useful for the common one of forcing an Argo CD Application to sync after previous steps have updated a remote branch referenced by the Application. This step is commonly the last step in a promotion process.


For an Argo CD Application resource to be managed by a Kargo Stage, the Application must have an annotation of the following form: "<project-name>:<stage-name>"

Such an annotation offers proof that a user who is themselves authorized to update the Application in question has consented to a specific Stage updating the Application as well.

The following example shows how to configure an Argo CD Application manifest to authorize the test Stage of the kargo-demo Project:

kind: Application
name: kargo-demo-test
namespace: argocd
annotations: kargo-demo:test
# Application specifications go here

Enforcement of Argo CD sync windows was improved substantially in Argo CD v2.11.0. If you wish for the argocd-update step to honor sync windows, you must use Argo CD v2.11.0 or later.

Additionally, it is recommended that if a promotion process is expected to sometimes encounter an active deny window, the argocd-update step should be configured with a timeout that is at least as long as the longest expected deny window. (The step's default timeout is five minutes.)


apps[]objectYDescribes Argo CD Application resources to update and how to update them. At least one must be specified.
apps[].namestringYThe name of the Argo CD Application. Note: A small technical restriction on this field is that any expressions used therein are limited to accessing ctx and vars and may not access secrets or any Freight. This is because templates in this field are, at times, evaluated outside the context of an actual Promotion for the purposes of building an index. In practice, this restriction does not prove to be especially limiting.
apps[].namespacestringNThe namespace of the Argo CD Application resource to be updated. If left unspecified, the namespace will be the Kargo controller's configured default -- typically argocd. Note: This field is subject to the same restrictions as the name field. See above.
apps[].sources[]objectNDescribes Argo CD ApplicationSources to update and how to update them.
apps[].sources[].repoURLstringYThe value of the target ApplicationSource's own repoURL field. This must match exactly.
apps[].sources[].chartstringNApplicable only when the target ApplicationSource references a Helm chart repository, the value of the target ApplicationSource's own chart field. This must match exactly.
apps[].sources[].desiredRevisionstringNSpecifies the desired revision for the source. i.e. The revision to which the source must be observably synced when performing a health check. Prior to v1.1.0, if left undefined, the desired revision was determined by Freight (if possible). Beginning with v1.1.0, if left undefined, Kargo will not require the source to be observably synced to any particular source to be considered healthy. Note that the source's targetRevision will not be updated to this revision unless updateTargetRevision=true is also set.
apps[].sources[].updateTargetRevisionbooleanYIndicates whether the target ApplicationSource should be updated such that its targetRevision field points directly at the desired revision. A true value in this field requires desiredRevision to be specified.
apps[].sources[].kustomizeobjectNDescribes updates to an Argo CD ApplicationSource's Kustomize-specific properties.
apps[].sources[].kustomize.images[]objectYDescribes how to update an Argo CD ApplicationSource's Kustomize-specific properties to reference specific versions of container images.
apps[].sources[].kustomize.images[].repoURLstringYURL of the image being updated.
apps[].sources[].kustomize.images[].tagstringNA tag naming a specific revision of the image specified by repoURL. Mutually exclusive with digest. One of digest or tag must be specified.
apps[].sources[].kustomize.images[].digeststringNA digest naming a specific revision of the image specified by repoURL. Mutually exclusive with tag. One of digest or tag must be specified.
apps[].sources[].kustomize.images[].newNamestringNA substitution for the name/URL of the image being updated. This is useful when different Stages have access to different container image repositories (assuming those different repositories contain equivalent images that are tagged identically). This may be a frequent consideration for users of Amazon's Elastic Container Registry.
apps[].sources[].helmobjectNDescribes updates to an Argo CD ApplicationSource's Helm parameters.
apps[].sources[].helm.images[]objectYDescribes how to update an Argo CD ApplicationSource's Helm parameters to reference specific versions of container images.
apps[].sources[].helm.images[].keystringYThe key to update within the target ApplicationSource's helm.parameters map. See Helm documentation on the format and limitations of the notation used in this field.
apps[].sources[].helm.images[].valuestringYSpecifies the new value for the key. Typically, a value from chartFrom() is used here.

Health Checks

The argocd-update step is unique among all other built-in promotion steps in that, on successful completion, it will register health checks to be performed upon the target Stage on an ongoing basis. This health check configuration is opaque to the rest of Kargo and is understood only by health check functionality built into the step. This permits Kargo to factor the health and sync state of Argo CD Application resources into the overall health of a Stage without requiring Kargo to understand Application health directly.


Although the argocd-update step is the only promotion step to currently utilize this health check framework, we anticipate that future built-in and third-party promotion steps will take advantage of it as well.

Because of this, the health of a Stage is not necessarily a simple reflection of the Application resource it manages. It can also be influenced by other Application resources that are updated by other promotion steps, or by a Promotion which failed to complete successfully.


Common Usage

# Clone, render manifests, commit, push, etc...
- uses: git-commit
as: commit
path: ./out
- update-image
- uses: git-push
path: ./out
- uses: argocd-update
- name: my-app
- repoURL:
desiredRevision: ${{ outputs.commit.commit }}

Updating a Target Revision


Without making any modifications to a Git repository, this example simply updates a "live" Argo CD Application resource to point its targetRevision field at a specific version of a Helm chart, which Argo CD will pull directly from the chart repository.

While this can be a useful technique, it should be used with caution. This is not "real GitOps" since the state of the Application resource is not backed up in a Git repository. If the Application resource were deleted, there would be no remaining record of its desired state.

- name: gitRepo
- uses: argocd-update
- name: my-app
- repoURL: ${{ chartRepo }}
chart: my-chart
targetRevision: ${{ chartFrom(chartRepo, "my-chart").Version }}

Updating an Image with Kustomize


Without making any modifications to a Git repository, this example simply updates Kustomize-specific properties of a "live" Argo CD Application resource.

While this can be a useful technique, it should be used with caution. This is not "real GitOps" since the state of the Application resource is not backed up in a Git repository. If the Application resource were deleted, there would be no remaining record of its desired state.

- name: gitRepo
- uses: argocd-update
- name: my-app
- repoURL:
- repoURL: ${{ vars.imageRepo }}
tag: ${{ imageFrom(vars.imageRepo).Tag }}

Updating an Image with Helm


Without making any modifications to a Git repository, this example simply updates Helm-specific properties of a "live" Argo CD Application resource.

While this can be a useful technique, it should be used with caution. This is not "real GitOps" since the state of the Application resource is not backed up in a Git repository. If the Application resource were deleted, there would be no remaining record of its desired state.

- uses: argocd-update
- name: my-app
- repoURL:
- key: image.tag
value: ${{ imageFrom("my/image").Tag }}