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Working with Projects

Each Kargo project is represented by a cluster-scoped Kubernetes resource of type Project. Reconciliation of such a resource effects all boilerplate project initialization, including the creation of a specially-labeled Namespace with the same name as the Project. All resources belonging to a given Project should be grouped together in that Namespace.

A minimal Project resource looks like the following:

kind: Project
name: example

Deletion of a Project resource results in the deletion of the corresponding Namespace. For convenience, the inverse is also true -- deletion of a project's Namespace results in the deletion of the corresponding Project resource.


There are compelling advantages to using Project resources instead of permitting users to create Namespace resources directly:

  • The required label indicating a Namespace is a Kargo project cannot be forgotten or misapplied.

  • Users can be granted permission to indirectly create Namespace resources for Kargo projects only without being granted more general permissions to create any new Namespace directly.

  • Boilerplate configuration is automatically created at the time of Project creation. This includes things such as project-level RBAC resources and ServiceAccount resources.

Promotion Policies

A Project resource can additionally define project-level configuration. At present, this only includes promotion policies that describe which Stages are eligible for automatic promotion of newly available Freight.


Promotion policies are defined at the project-level because users with permission to update Stage resources in a given project Namespace may not have permission to create Promotion resources. Defining promotion policies at the project-level therefore restricts such users from enabling automatic promotions for a Stage to which they may lack permission to promote to manually. It leaves decisions about eligibility for auto-promotion squarely in the hands of someone like a "project admin."

In the example below, the test and uat Stages are eligible for automatic promotion of newly available Freight, but any other Stages in the Project are not:

kind: Project
name: example
- stage: test
autoPromotionEnabled: true
- stage: uat
autoPromotionEnabled: true

Namespace Adoption

At times, Namespaces may require specific configuration to comply with regulatory or organizational requirements. To account for this, Kargo supports the adoption of pre-existing Namespaces that are labeled with "true". This enables pre-configuring such Namespaces according to your own requirements.


Requiring a Namespace to have the "true" label to be eligible for adoption by a new Project is intended to prevent accidental or willful hijacking of an existing Namespace.

The following example demonstrates adoption of a Namespace that's been pre-configured with with a label unrelated to Kargo:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: example
labels: "true" platform-eng
kind: Project
name: example
# ...

Interacting with Projects

Kargo provides tools to manage Projects using either its UI or CLI. This section explains how to handle Projects effectively through both interfaces.

Creating a Project

  1. Navigate to the Kargo UI and select Create in the top right corner.

    A Form tab will appear where you can enter the name of your Project:


    Alternatively, you can define the Project and other related configurations using the YAML tab:


  2. After completing the Form or defining the Project in the YAML tab, click Create.

    The new Project will appear a card on the UI's home page:


Deleting a Project

  1. Select the Project you want to remove.

  2. Click the dropdown next to the Project's name in the upper left corner of the Project dashboard and click Delete:


  3. To confirm deletion, enter the Project's name and click Delete to permanently remove it:
