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Working With Freight

Freight is an important Kargo concept. A single "piece of freight" is a set of references to one or more versioned artifacts, which may include one or more:

  • Container images (from image repositories)

  • Kubernetes manifests (from Git repositories)

  • Helm charts (from chart repositories)

Freight can therefore be thought of as a sort of meta-artifact. Freight is what Kargo seeks to progress from one stage to another.


To learn the fundamentals of freight and the warehouses that produce freight, see Core Concepts.

The remainder of this page describes features of freight that will enable you to work more effectively.


Like all Kubernetes resources, Kargo Freight resources have a field, which uniquely identifies each resource of that type within a given Kargo project (a specially labeled Kubernetes namespace). When a Warehouse produces a new Freight resource, it will compute a canonical representation of the artifacts referenced by that resource and use that, in turn, to compute a SHA-1 hash. This becomes the value of the field. The deterministic method of computing this value makes it a unique "fingerprint" of the collection of artifacts referenced by the Freight resource.


While the field contains a predictably computed SHA-1 hash, such identifiers are, unarguably, not very user-friendly. To make Freight resources easier for human users to identify, Warehouses automatically generate a human-friendly alias for every Freight resource they produce and apply it as the value of the Freight resource's label.


Generating aliases of the form <adjective>-<animal> is a strategy borrowed from Docker, which generates similar names for containers not explicitly named by users.


Why a label?

Kubernetes enforces the immutability of the field for all resources.

Kubernetes labels, by contrast, are both mutable and indexed, which makes them ideal for use as secondary identifiers.

When using the Kargo CLI to query for Freight resources, the alias field is always displayed:

kargo get freight --project kargo-demo

Sample output:

NAME                                       ALIAS              AGE
f5f87aa23c9e97f43eb83dd63768ee41f5ba3766 mortal-dragonfly 35s

Sample output:

NAME                                       ALIAS              AGE
f5f87aa23c9e97f43eb83dd63768ee41f5ba3766 mortal-dragonfly 35s

The Kargo UI, to make efficient use of screen real estate, displays aliases only, but a Freight resource's name can always be discovered by hovering over its alias.


Kargo CLI commands will accept Freight aliases as an alternative to a Freight name. Refer to the help text for the kargo command for more information.

Updating Aliases

While every Freight resource is automatically assigned an alias, users may sometimes wish to override that alias with one of their own choosing. This can make it easier to identify a particularly important (or problematic) Freight resource as it progresses through the Stages of a pipeline.

To update the Freight Alias:

  1. Click the three dots on the Freight in the Freight Timeline, then select Change Alias:


  2. Specify a value in the New Alias field and click Submit:


Manual Approvals

The Core Concepts describes the usual process by which Freight resources are verified at each Stage in a pipeline before becoming available to the next Stage or Stages. In brief, it typically requires the Stage to reach a healthy state and, if applicable, any user-defined verification processes to complete with favorable results.

This is suitable for the average case wherein a new Freight resource is expected to traverse the entirety of a pipeline on its way to production, however, it is nearly inevitable that the occasional need for a "hotfix" will arise, in which case it may sometimes be desirable to bypass one or more Stages in the pipeline.

To enable this, Kargo provides the ability to manually approve a Freight resource for promotion to any given Stage. To manually approve the Freight:

  1. Click the three dots on the Freight in the Freight Timeline, then select Manually Approve:


  2. Select Approve on the Stage for which you want to approve promotion of the Freight:



Manually granting approval for a Freight resource to be promoted to any given Stage requires the same level of permissions as would be required to carry out that promotion, although, granting manual approval does not automatically create a corresponding Promotion resource.

After successfully granting manual approval for a Freight resource to be promoted to a given Stage, the Freight resource's status field will reflect that approval.

The following depicts a Freight resource that has been verified in a test Stage through the usual process, but has been manually approved for promotion to the prod Stage. i.e. Any Stages between test and prod may be bypassed:

  1. Click on the Freight in the Freight Timeline:


Promoting Freight to a Stage

  1. Click the three dots on the Freight in the Freight Timeline, then select Promote:

    Promote Freight to a Stage

  2. Select the Stage and click Promote:

    Promote Freight to a Stage